Week 11-12 Detailed Learning Outcomes
Actuarial Practice #
National Insurance #
- Define what “universal coverage” means.
- Explain what “national insurance” refers to.
- Describe main differences between national insurance and conventional insurance
Health #
- Describe in broad terms, and contrast, Medicare on hone hand, and Private Health insurance (in Australia) on the other hand:
- who is covered;
- how they are funded;
- what the main benefits are.
- Explain what community rating is
- Describe the challenges due to community rating in Private Health insurance, and the schemes introduced by the government to mitigate them
General Insurance #
Definition #
- Know alternative names for “general insurance”
Main classes of GI business #
- Describe the two main types of general insurance
- Explain what “liability insurance” covers and how such liabilities may arise
- Explain basic coverage of the following main classes of GI business: motor insurance (with sub-covers), buildings and contents insurance, liability, workers compensation
- Briefly describe some emerging classes
Main features of GI products #
- Describe main characteristic of GI products, including: coverage, settlement (long-tail vs short-tail), frequency and severity, range of possible outomes
- Contrast features of GI and Life insurance
Role of the actuary in GI #
- Describe, at a high level, the wok of actuaries in: modelling, pricing, reserving, reinsurance.
- Explain the concept of reinsurance, as well as what proportional and stop loss reinsurance covers are.
Readings #
- Briefly describe what cyber insurance covers and does not cover
- Briefly explain what the main challenges associated to cyber insurance are
- Explain how insurance affordability might be measured according to the article
- Explain what “spreading the risk across space and time” means, and how it could be implemented
- Briefly explain what the idea of “sharing the tail” means
- Describe the implications of COVID-10 for past and future coverage of Business Interruption (BI) and Workers Compensation coverages