Weekly Study Plan

The typical and ideal week of an ACTL10001 student

To summarise, in week \(n\) you should:

  • on Monday:
    • [lec] have a first read of the lecture readings for the week (website)
    • [lec] watch the first set of video lectures / attend the first lecture (as appropriate)
    • [tut] review the solutions of the tutorials questions of week \(n-1\), and seek help if needed*
  • on Tuesday:
    • [lec] review the lecture notes from Monday, and seek help if needed*
    • [tut] have a first look at the tutorials questions for week \(n\) and see whether you can attempt some of them already
    • [amt] review the solutions to the review questions of week n-2, and seek help if needed*
  • on Wednesday
    • [lec] watch the second set of video lectures / attend the second lecture (as appropriate)
    • [tut] continue your attempts of the tutorial questions for week n
    • [amt] attempt the review questions of week \(n-1\)
  • on Thursday
    • [lec] review the lecture notes from Wednesday, and seek help if needed*
    • [tut] continue your attempts of the tutorial questions for week n
    • [amt] finish your attempt at the review questions of week \(n-1\)
  • on Friday <- wrapping the week up!
    • [lec] create draft 1 of your own summary of week n, and seek help if some areas are unclear *
    • [tut] review all your attempts for questions of week \(n\) and prepare a list of questions to ask at your tutorial in week n+1
    • [amt] upgrade your summary of week \(n-1\) into a “cheat sheet” for the mid-term exam and the final exam. Note [lec] refers to lecture activities (learning the theory), [tut] to tutorials (applying the theory), and [amt] to assessment preparation (prepare for exams).

* To seek help:

BUT do not e-mail tutors or the course Professor, unless your query is truly personal in nature, or has absolutely no chance of being of any relevance to any other student. Chances are other students have the same question, and so having the question being asked and answered publicly helps everyone.