
Website #

The current website contains (or links) to all the resources you need for the course (compare the following list with left hand side menu):

  • Subject guide (you are reading it!)
  • Study Plan: this will outline our recommended study plan for the course, week by week. This will include a link to the video lectures / recordings, too.
  • Actuarial Techniques: the contents replacing any textbook for the blue, technical aspects of the course
  • Actuarial Practice: the contents replacing any textbook for the green, technical aspects of the course
  • Yellowdig: link to the main interaction fora
  • Tutorial exercises set: this document will be updated at the end of each week, to include the latest release of solutions

Details about assessment will be available under Subject Guide / Assessment.

Textbook #

There is no need to purchase a textbook. The following book, however, may constitute a worthwhile complement:

  • M.E. Atkinson and David Dickson (2011) An Introduction to Actuarial Studies, Second Edition. Edward Elgar.